Rumors about my weight loss....AT CHURCH!!!
Doors are still open aren't they? No reason not to make an appointment & discuss your issues with your pastor & allow him/her to give you some insight. Believe me, I could be one in that number & I qualify in so many ways to use that excuse. As there is no hurt like a church hurt & I when I say hurt, I mean that literally, as I was literally strangled by the pastors wife as a teenager, cause she was jealous of my mom & hated her guts. But I knew then & know now that incidents like that can't keep me from being in the Lords house, because that is exactly where the enemy doesn't want us. As there is strength & meat in the house of the Lord. How can the shephard protects his sheep if the sheep has gone astray & is at the mercy of the Wolf?
If your church wasn't a good fit, go "shopping" until you find one. There is a church home out there for you.
Just like in Jesus time & until the end, there will always be hypocrites & sinners, all worshipping together in his house, but in time & if they allow God to do his perfect work, but if not, then they will answer in judgement.
As the saying goes "God don't like ugly" & he will bring justice to those who are unrighteous. She did a lot of dirt to all of my family members & others & her own kids. She prohpesied that someone in the church would die within 30 days, if they did not repent & turn from their wicked ways. (Boy, I was a prayed up sista during that time :() ). The 30 days elapsed & came home one day to learn that she had died. Her daughters told my mom later that their mother thought the warning was for my mom.
If your church wasn't a good fit, go "shopping" until you find one. There is a church home out there for you.
Just like in Jesus time & until the end, there will always be hypocrites & sinners, all worshipping together in his house, but in time & if they allow God to do his perfect work, but if not, then they will answer in judgement.
As the saying goes "God don't like ugly" & he will bring justice to those who are unrighteous. She did a lot of dirt to all of my family members & others & her own kids. She prohpesied that someone in the church would die within 30 days, if they did not repent & turn from their wicked ways. (Boy, I was a prayed up sista during that time :() ). The 30 days elapsed & came home one day to learn that she had died. Her daughters told my mom later that their mother thought the warning was for my mom.
Well I go to a country church with only 15 members so they all know about my surgery because I asked for prayer. lol They have a picture of me on the wall and won't let me take it down and I was a huge HOT MESS !!!!
It was the last baptism and I'm a deaconess and I was helping but my Pastor insists on keeping it on the wall so I see it every week. Some people say they don't ever remember me that size, I sure do !!!!
Gurl just let those hypocrites say what they will.